Download our free bar exam handbook that provides you with plenty of useful tips on using an index and other relevant information on preparing for the bar exams. Our bar exam handbook also includes a pacer/time chart.
Currently, the bar exam duration is 4 hours and 30 minutes, and to ensure that you manage your time efficiently during your exams, you should use a pacer/time chart.
How a pacer/time chart works:
On the left-hand side of the first table, there is a countdown that reflects the exam duration time with the question number that you should currently be on which is on the right-hand side of the table. The second table works the same and will only be needed just in case they start the timer at 0:00:00, which has never happened before but we like to be cautious so you can be prepared either way.
Our bar exam handbook is available for FREE on our website. So, grab your free copy!